The call came Saturday morning. Three member’s of my husband’s family were murdered Friday night. It didn’t feel real and still doesn’t. How? Why? We are left with so many questions.
After spending a week away on spring break vacation, my original intention was to write about the trials and tribulations of traveling with kids. But it doesn’t feel right to not speak out or hide what’s happening, even as we are still trying to understand.
Ken’s Aunt Elaine Mazzella, cousin Sandy Mazzella and cousin’s wife Stephenie Mazzella were shot in Sandy’s and Stephenie’s home by a man, who at one time had been a trusted business associate and friend.
Two innocent children, ages fourteen and ten, are left behind without their parents to pick up shattered dreams and attempt to make sense of what their new life will be.

I have grieved recently over the loss of someone dear, but this time I’m grieving for our family members that will have to live with this loss everyday and face the insecurity about what the future will bring.
I’m also left wondering how anger can turn into something this horrific. I have been angry with people before, but never so much that I would even consider harming them. How is it that some people don’t have the ability to back down and realize that letting go of that rage will bring more peace than acting out?
A Gofundme.com account has been set up for the kids, but nothing will ever be able to replace what was stolen from them and the rest of the family by a selfish man who will now spend the rest of his life in jail, leaving his family behind as well.