I just made this fudge to take to the pot-luck for the cast in the play my youngest son is in. Everyone who tried it loved it and it was simple to make.

Christmas Fudge
- 2 3/4 cup chocolate chips
- 1 (14oz) can sweetened condensed milk
- 2 Tbsp. heavy cream
- 1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
- 1/4 tsp. salt
- Christmas sprinkles
Line and 8X8 baking pan with parchment paper and grease with cooking spray. In a medium saucepan over medium heat, melt chocolate, condensed milk, butter, cream, vanilla, and salt together. Stir until smooth then pour into prepared pan.
Top with sprinkles and refrigerate until set, at least two hours. Cut into squares and enjoy.

Follow along on the Christmas Cookie Hop 12/9/19 – 12/13/19 – Email your completed list of author names, with their treat names, to Heather@HeatherMcCollum.com with the heading: “Historical Romance Authors are Sweet” to be entered into the $150 gift card grand prize random drawing.
Madeline Martin : http://www.madelinemartin.com/blog/
Alanna Lucas : https://www.facebook.com/AuthorAlannaLucas/
Amalie Howard : https://amaliehoward.com/
Amanda Mariel : https://www.facebook.com/AuthorAmandaMarie1/
Ava Stone : https://www.avastoneauthor.com/ava-stone-s-sugar-cookie-martini
Christina Britton : https://www.facebook.com/ChristinaBrittonAuthor/
Collette Cameron : http://collettecameron.com/historical-author-cookie-hop
Deb Marlowe : https://www.facebook.com/pg/DebMarloweAuthorPage/
Diana Lloyd : http://Diana Lloyd https://www.dianalloydbooks.com/featured/
E. Elizabeth Watson : https://eelizabethwatson.com/contact/
Elizabeth Essex : https://www.facebook.com/elizabeth.essex.37/
Elizabeth Langston : https://www.facebook.com/AuthorElizabethLangston/
Eliza Knight : https://eknightauthor.com/news/
Emma Prince : http://www.emmaprincebooks.com
Heather McCollum : https://www.heathermccollum.com/kitchen/
Jane Charles : https://www.janecharlesauthor.com/christmas-fun
Jennifer Trethewey : https://www.facebook.com/jennifertretheweyromance/
Jerrica Knight-Catania : http://www.jerricasplace.com/2019-historical-holiday-cookie-hop.html
Katherine Bone : https://www.facebook.com/AuthorKatherineBone/
Liana De la Rosa : https://www.facebook.com/LianainBloom/